Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is 30 the new 20????

It seems like just yesterday I was turning 25! I remember thinking to myself t “this was the perfect age.” I was old enough to not make some of my former mistakes (the lessons) but still young enough to have a good time. This summer I will be 30 and I have to admit…….I just do not feel 30. Seeing as though I have never been 30 before and will never be 30 again after this year, I have no clue what being 30 feels like. I keep hearing that “30 is the new 20” but I am beginning to wonder if it’s just something people getting older say just so they feel hip and cool.
Don’t get me wrong, I somewhat subscribe to the theory that “you are as old as you feel” but let’s face it, we all know that we have relatives or friends who are stuck in their 20’s but are old enough to be your grandparent. You know the type, the older man that gets his ears pierced……in both ears; the women who is 50 and still bearing her midriff every chance she gets; the people that really that take it a step further and go out of their way to be on the scene of any and every event they can when clearly they are ALWAYS the elder on the scene.
I begin thinking that this “fear” of getting older has been around forever but I just refuse to surrender to it. I have never felt more alive in all my years. I know who I am and what I want……..quite honestly going back to my early 20’s doesn’t seem that appealing. I live with no regrets BUT there are definitely moments I would prefer not to visit again. I have become the woman that I am because of the lessons only my “mistakes” could teach me. I am happier, more focused, aware of everything around me, and more importantly, I have learned that GOD chose ME to go through every challenge and obstacle along my life’s journey because I am STRONG enough to conquer! My strength is what I MUST use to empower others……this is what I call my PURPOSE.
So if 30 is the new 20 then the rest of the world better put on its seatbelt because the 30 year old me has a V8 engine and I am better, wiser, and more focused than ever!!!!!

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